Journal: Malaysian E Commerce Journal (MECJ)
Author: Muhammad Sarmad, Khadija Younas, Ali Raza, Allena Razzaq, Umair Younas
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Doi: 10.26480/mecj.01.2020.09.14

The purpose of this study was to inspect the effect of customer satisfaction and customer attitude towards the investment in Insurance Companies. After the data was collected, SPSS 2.0 version were used to measure the data. Correctness of data entry was checked. Descriptive and percentage techniques are used for data analysis. Chi square and cross tabulation analysis are used to assess both relationships and effects as per the hypotheses of the study. The data which was collected through survey. About 120 Questionnaire were distributed in Burewala area, from which 103 questionnaire were received back. The limitations connected with analysis area unit acknowledged. There must to be more study on this subject to know the connection between these factors and their impact on one another. This analysis was on little scale, the sample size was also little. So, the study should conducted on large scale area along with larger sample size. This study is very helpful to see the effect of customer satisfaction toward insurance sector. Policies makers should developed the strategies for also those person whose income level is low. The originality in this research was the specific area. This research applied in Burewala area. Because in this area the research with these variable are not applied before.